Share your knowledge, motivate the others

November 14, 2017, could be an average day for the many young people, but the day was unique for Arpi and Varuzhan.  That day the youth workers used the gained skills to transfer their knowledge to the counterparts. The topic was “Media un-coverage of different genders”. Arpi and Varuzhan organized the session for an international group of youth workers hosted in Armenia.

The facilitators used theater as a learning method. The participants were divided into 4 groups. Each of the groups had one fact about gender equality issues in the Media. All of the groups prepared and presented a small sketch answering why gender inequality appeared in real life. The participants presented very diverse and interesting sketches. After the performances, a panel discussion was done with the group.

The process was new and interesting not only for the participants but also for the facilitators. Arpi and Varuzhan were using the skills gained during the project “Using Media as a tool for gender equality promotion”(Vienna, October 2017) for the first time. “That is a unique experience when you share your knowledge and skills with other people, it also helps you to re-evaluate the attitude you have towards the topic”,-said Arpi, who was one of the facilitators. Arpi used the gained skills as a participant of the project “Using Media as a tool for gender equality promotion”. The main aim of this Training Course in Vienna was to increase awareness and provide youth with proper knowledge about gender issues and perspectives of European and project countries media.

After the official ending of the session, Arpi and Varuzhan shared with the youth workers from different parts of Europe about the project they participated in Austria and informed the present ones about the opportunities Erasmus+ gives to youth workers.